Monday, May 25, 2009

This cat is using Social Media

What is the point of a cat using social media?

This is a question that often come up when you search Facebook and Twitter.

Why the hell are there so many cats on Facebook and Twitter?

A cat in Singapore, Satsugai who lives in the Novena area is one example of a "Socially Connected Cat"

Satsugai has more than 700 friends and 1000 followers on Facebook.

There are many curious people asking her questions like "Why are you a cat?" or "Are you freakin serious you're a cat?" 

I believe on its profile, it clearly stated that it is a cat.

I've seen many replies to its quirky tweets and its random status updates. Many people love it and say it brightens up their day. I feel that follow this cat really does have its purpose after all, and even if it brings a smile on your face everytime you read about it, the cat had already done its purpose. Isn't this what a owning or having a pet is all about? Only thing is now, you can ready her status updates on Twitter and Facebook.

If you've not found this cat, maybe its time to check it out.

--Reviews Guru

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