Friday, December 20, 2019

IP Man 4 Movie Review

IP Man 4 is your good old Kung Fu Porn. Story is built around some major fights which you can see from afar.

The storytelling method is very simple staightforward, following the death of Ip Man's wife, and Ip Man's son was not doing so well in school. The progression of the story was rather cliche, but the use of powerful moments of the little bits of information you get along the way is very well done.

So you end up with moments like this scene in previous Ip Man

Pacing of the story was quite well done. There are some story progression followed by fights every few minutes. I would say that many of these fights are not really that necessary, but as Kung Fu porn, hell, keep it coming...

From the trailers, you can already expect the various fights which you have seen. There are 2 major boss fights, one with the Karate Guy and the other with Scott Adkins. The build up of the fights and the choreography is well done, making the fight scenes very exciting.

The underlying theme seems very apt for today's climate -- racism. Well, there is little progress, but perhaps racism has became slightly better before Trump?

Well, overall, the movie has a very simple plot and action scenes are well done. Pacing is good and the fights are definitely worth the ticket price.

Plot and characters are pretty simply. You can tell the bad guy when you see them.

Just go watch it... ok?

-- Robin Low

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