Wednesday, October 06, 2010

#Newtwitter Review

I've been using the New Twitter for some time now, and I would say, it has been an improvement from the previous Twitter.

Some features are pretty nifty, and when you click on a person's Tweet, their last tweets will be shown.

The window on the right also shows much more information like the #Hashtags used, Retweets, and your replies, making it more useful than before.

I feel that the direct messages portion, though it may be more fancy than before, is harder for you to delete messages, especially spam. It is still not useful for me as I have too many spam in my DM box, and I can't be bothered to check.

The Retweet still feels weird to me, as I much prefer the standard way of using RT, even it does cost 3 characters.

For many people, even @Mashable, their backgrounds definitely need to be edited to fit the new Twitter, but otherwise, I would say its fun, and an improvement.

-- Robin Low

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